Abducted By Aliens

Luke the dog  thinks going for a ride is AWESOME!  He’s riding shotgun. He’s smilin’.  We get to the vets parking lot.  They won’t let us in because of the  ‘rona, so you gotta phone in from to let them know you’re  there. 

Luke and I are hanging in the truck.  We have the AC on.  The radio is pumping out a ridiculous array of tunes (Redemption Song, Ragged Old Truck, Dublin Blues, Cowboy Song, Backstreets. .. .).  We’re in there chillin’ like a coupla villians.  Having a great time and wishing we had burgers and beers to make it better.

About 30 minutes in, there’s a tapping on the window.  It’s a vet tech.  She asks me a couple of questions.  She then takes Luke out of the truck and into the office.

He’s lookin’ over his shoulder at me like, “Dude, Where is this masked chick taking me?”

About 20 minutes later, he returns with a confused look on his face.  I mean, he was put onto a cold steel exam table, poked, prodded, given injections, had blood drawn, and whatever by a bunch of masked people in a strange environment.

When he talks to other dogs about this experience, I guarantee he tells  them he was abducted by aliens who ran invasive tests.

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